Wednesday 21 November 2012


My partner Aaron over here has a great idea. 

  • His idea is that we should do a similar design to the picture in our most recent post. 
  • I have the great idea to have a mouse trap that will snap on the remote of a remote control car causing it to go forever.Another idea that would work good, 
  • a good website for ideas that we are using is 
  • An Awesome ideas i found is ...
    • This project results in a very simple mousetrap car. It probably won't go very far or fast, but it'll help you learn the basics of how this type of car works. Then you can try your hand at building a more complex car. See some ideas at the end of the project.

      • Wooden snap-back mousetrap
      • Duct tape
      • 4 eye hooks
      • Wooden dowel that fits inside the eye hooks
      • Heavy cardboard
      • Large and small rubber bands
      • Foam board (usually found at a craft store)
      • String
      • Ruler or straight edge
      • Utility knife
      • Pliers
What to do:

      1. Have your partner help you use a utility knife to cut four wheels out of a piece of foam board or corrugated cardboard. Make the back wheels about double the diameter of the front wheels. (Use a compass to draw the circles, or trace around a bowl or cup.)
      2. Give your wheels some traction by stretching large rubber bands around each wheel.  For the small wheels you could also try using a section of a balloon.
      3. If there are metal or plastic teeth on the mousetrap, remove them carefully using a pair of pliers. Also remove the rod that is used to set the trap.
      4. Start building the base, or chassis, of the car by cutting a piece of strong cardboard so that it is slightly bigger (about 1/2") than the mousetrap on every side.  Use duct tape to attach the mousetrap to the base. Don't cover up the spring in the middle of the trap or the "snapper arm." 
      5. Screw the eye hooks onto the bottom of the cardboard chassis, one in each corner. Use a ruler to make sure that the eye hooks are aligned with each other.
      6. Cut the wooden dowel so you have two pieces that are both about two inches longer than the width of the chassis you have made.  These will serve as your axles that rotate the wheels.  Stick the dowels through the eye loops.  Make sure that the axles are straight and that there is room for them to spin in the eye hooks.
      7. Cut holes a little bit smaller than the dowel through the center of each wheel, then attach the wheels to the base.  Put the large wheels on the back of the car, opposite the snapper arm.  Wrap a small rubber band around the axle on either side of each wheel so the wheels can't fall off.
      8. Tie a string very tightly to the snapper arm on the mouse trap.  The string should be long enough to just reach to the back axle.
      9. You may need someone to help you with this last step.  Carefully pull back the snapper arm until it reaches the other end of the trap.  Hold it in place while your helper wraps the string tightly around one side of the axle.  Holding the string tightly, set the car on the ground and carefully let go of the trap - the string should be wound tight enough that it holds the trap in place. Next, make sure everyone's hands are out of the way and then let go of the string. The trap will snap forward, propelling your car

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